Thursday, June 12, 2008

Week 6: Thing 13

While checking out I was able to find a cute website ( for kids. It is an online babybook sort of thing. Right now this seems fun in order to communicate and share with our family back east. I am so hesitant of posting personal info. due to all the crazy things you hear. I will check it out...

Personally, I am not someone who has a ton of sites bookmarked on my computer. Maybe this is why sites like these are not of too much interest to me. Nor do I want to or have social relationships online. However, I do like 'peaking' into what others have bookmarked...I also like looking at model homes... To learn from others and see what is out there may be of interest to me.

Professionally, I could see using a bookmarking site if there is project to work on and you want to use specific sites. However, knowing how some students don't go too far above & beyond, would this limit any info they would be researching?

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