Saturday, July 5, 2008

Week 7: Thing 16

Prior to taking this course I had heard of a Wiki but really had no clue what it was. Although I think I am more familiar with it, I have yet to use one. After looking around at some and reading the PBWiki site, I wonder how I can use this in PE. I would love to have a project that would be relevant to PE as well as lend itself to be completed with the help of a wiki but I think I have to think a while on that...
I spent a lot of time searching for an example of a Wiki which related to PE and came up without anything so hopefully posting to the Sandbox will help me gain greater perspective!! Oh, the learning process...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Here are a couple of quick thoughts:

1) Have the students create their own page and use it as an exercise log. They can track things like their times in the mile run, bench press, etc.

2) If you're teaching team sports, have them create wiki pages to keep track of league standings, etc.

3) Have the kids suggest their favorite games and activities. You could also write "how tos" on how to perform different exercises.

Hope this helps!