Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Week 8: Thing 19

I spent some time exploring LibraryThing and found I would not have a need for it. As a PE teacher, I would not use it. Personally, I do not see to much benefit. It is nice to know it is out there though if I need to look up a book or a review of a book. I think this is one of the sites that I would get bored using.

I posted a few cook books to my profile and a few baby books. It seems they were not too popular. There were a few comments made for 3 of them but no real discussions. Overall, I don't see myself using the site at all.

1 comment:

Jane, TL in the classroom said...

I don't think anyone could possibly "adopt" all these tools without going nuts! I think the tutorial is just an opportunity to explore new tools and try out those that appeal to you. That said, you might like using LibraryThing to track just those books you read that you want to share with your students. I use it to track, not every book I read, but those books I've decided I want to remember to booktalk in the library. Just a thought :)